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Honolulu Committee on Aging Meeting Notice - 7/13/2018

I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Introductions
III. Revisions to Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. PIG Discussion (Planning and Education/Advocacy Sub-Committees)
VI. Action Items
VII. Public Input
VIII. Scheduling of Future Meetings
IX. Adjournment
For those wishing to present oral testimony on the items listed in the agenda, please register by
completing a speaker registration form on-site on the day of the meeting. Persons not registered
to speak on an agenda item should raise their hands at the time public testimony is invited (Item
VII of the agenda) or at the time a particular agenda item is announced, and they will be given
an opportunity to speak following oral testimony by any registered speakers. Speaking time
will be limited to two minutes.
Written testimony may be emailed to, prior to the day of the
meeting, for distribution at the meeting. Ten (10) copies are requested if written testimony is
submitted on-site on the day of the meeting. If submitted, written testimonies, including
testifier’s address, email address, and phone number may be posted on the Committee webpage.

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